Ardatz eragilearen papera

- 2021-07-16-

Automobilaren ardatz erdiari ere deitzen zaioardatz motorra, which connects the differential with the drive wheels. The ardatz motorra is the shaft that transmits torque between the gearbox reducer and the drive wheels. There is a universal joint (U/JOINT) at the inner and outer ends of the shaft, which is connected to the reducer gear and the inner ring of the hub bearing through the spline on the universal joint.

Theardatz motorrapotentzia diferentzialetik ezkerreko eta eskuineko gurpil motorretara transmititzen du.
Theardatz motorra is a solid shaft that transmits large torque between the differential and the drive axle. Its inner end is generally connected with the side gear of the differential through a spline, and the outer end is connected to the drive through a flange or spline. The wheel shells of the wheels are connected.
Thestructure of the ardatz motorradesberdina da ardatz eragilearen egituragatik. Deskonektatu gabeko ardatz eragilearen erdi-ardatza ardatz oso zurruna da.